Welcome To typical antipsychotic medication
Author: StereoMicroSystem
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Added: December 21, 2008
Author: MIT
Added: January 18, 2008
Shaking Down a Pharmaceutical Company
There’s been plenty of coverage in the past week on the latest drug company to hit an ethical bump in the road of marketing their atypical antipsychotic, coverage we didn’t feel like we could add much to. Instead, I encourage you to read Furious Seasons’ take on it, the first blogg...
Read the full post from World of Psychology
Tags: General, Medications, blogger, Research Opportunities, Policy and Advocacy, psychiatrist, seroquel, fund raiser, pharmaceutical company, Mental Health Service, Furious Seasons, secret documents, community mental health, sexual relationships, bump in the road, doing research, grain of salt, Clinical Colleagues, Director Of Research, Good Clinical Practices, Prescribers, Reinstein, Sonneberg, Study Participants, Typical Analysis, Witty Analysis
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